A Song of Ice and Fire: Baratheon Queen's Men
July 29, 2022 • Benjamin Keninger
Hey, look at these cool knight dudes I painted:
I needed to get some knight miniatures for a D&D campaign, and since I'm a big fan of G.R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" franchise I decided to get a set from the series' miniature tabletop game. I found this box for about $20 on Amazon, which I think is a pretty fair price for what it comes with - especially when compared to the average Warhammer 40K set. If you want to pick up a box of your own you can find one here.
These guys are Queen's Men, followers of King Stannis "The Mannis" Baratheon and his Red Priestess advisor Lady Melisandre. Below is a close-up of the standard-bearer, boasting Stannis' personal sigil of the flaming stag (though I just left the flag white on mine).
Here's to hoping for an official release date for Winds of Winter soon...