about me
Hi, my name is Benjamin Keninger and I'm a college student currently studying Computer Science at Idaho State University. I also happen to be an avid fan of history, media creation, and walking. This website is primarily devoted to talking about and showcasing my many interests, academic or otherwise, most of which are covered in a web page of their own. The following paragraphs will serve to introduce myself and give a brief background of who I am and what I choose to do with my finite time on this planet.

Now that I'm twenty years old free time doesn't come nearly as free as it use to; much of the time that used to be devoted to doing stupid things with friends is now spent studying for school and working at my job in Internet tech support (previously I had worked for almost 4 years as a dishwasher at a local restaurant). What free time I do have, however, largely consists of writing code for personal projects, reading up on history, taking strolls around beautiful Pocatello, Idaho, and playing games with friends - whether that be video games with buddies online or DnD with work colleagues. I also play tennis from time to time, and have even recently taken up miniature painting (I promise it's more enjoyable than you'd think).
I like to think I'm an optimistic and open-minded person; I'm a big fan of exploring new areas of interest and am always down to give other peoples' favorite pastimes a chance. As previously mentioned, many of my hobbies have their own dedicated web page you can visit, so if you are interested in what I have made or said in regards to any of those topics do check out the links below. If you have professional inquiries or just simply want to chat, you can get in touch with me you using the contact page.
Good luck out there!
- Ben
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